Swiss Re
Was Swiss Re ausmacht
Mit Deiner Leidenschaft und unserer Erfahrung werden wir die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit lösen! Bewirb Dich jetzt bei Swiss Re! We're smarter together!
Swiss Re in Zahlen
Über das Unternehmen Swiss Re
Das macht uns aus
Schau doch mal bei uns rein:
Karriere machen bei Swiss Re
Was zeichnet die Arbeit bei uns aus?
At Swiss Re we believe in championing uniqueness in leadership, in thought and in the way we work together. If you can be who you are, and you feel included, your motivation and ideas will help us succeed now and in the future. We're a global and diverse workforce to be reckoned with. We understand our clients and markets, we develop smarter solutions together and help the world to rebuild, renew and move forward. This is how we strive to "make the world more resilient". We want to attract and engage talented employees from different backgrounds by living a flexible, inclusive and open culture where dialogue and different perspectives are valued. Our aim is to live visible and invisible diversity – diversity of age, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical abilities, personalities and experiences – at all levels and in all functions and regions at Swiss Re. At Swiss Re, we enable everyone to reach their full potential, as individuals and as teams. We align our working environments and methods with evolving social trends and challenging market conditions. And we appreciate the ever-changing working preferences of different cultures, generations and personalities.
Kontaktiere uns
Swiss Re
- Karriere
- München
- Telefonnummer: +49 (0) 89 38440